
Celoria, Eleonora

La normalizzazione della detenzione amministrativa alle frontiere esterne dell'Unione nel Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l'asilo
Freedom, security & justice (Online)
Anno: 2021 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 43 - Pagina finale: 70

This paper analyzes the “New Pact on Migration and Asylum” and the attached legislative proposals with a view to the protection of migrant children. In particular, after briefly reiterating the meaning and scope of the “best interest of the child” principle, we examine the provisions of the reform package of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) which should promote greater protection of rights and the interests of minors, especially unaccompanied foreign minors, right from the identification stage, highlighting some relevant critical issues

SICI: 2532-2079(2021)2<43:LNDDAA>2.0.ZU;2-A
Testo completo: http://www.fsjeurostudies.eu/files/FSJ.2021.2.3CELORIA.pdf

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