Tel. +39-0331-572.282
fax 0331-572.238
Chief librarian: Laura Ballestra
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8,30-20,00 Saturday 9-13

Mario Rostoni Library’s collections are focused on the disciplines studied and researched at Carlo Cattaneo University. The Library has 250 seats placed in eight rooms (disability support in the Library).

The collection is available to users on open shelves: books are ordered according to the Dewey Decimal Classification.

Besides traditional paper materials (books, journals, yearly reports, etc.), which consist of thousands of monographs and journals; the Library provides digital materials (books, journals and databases), audio and video (accessible from Discovery LIUC).
Users are invited to ask for help to the Library Staff for any necessity connected to Library services, bibliographic reference, acquisition proposals, improvement proposals, and any further information or document they need.

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Access policy

Students, instructors and University staff have free access to the Library. Students can use their own University badge, while instructors need a specific card. In addition, graduated LIUC students and citizens of Castellanza have free access.

Full fee-paying visitors can choose among these options:

  • Personal subscription with the opportunity to access to reference services and loans: 35 €
  • Subscription for all the services, including database consultation: 100 €

Faculty members, staff, and students from partner university libraries can access to Rostoni Library services by paying 15 € "una tantum". To be authorized, it is necessary to provide a document which proves the membership (no badges without a current academic year stamp will be accepted). Other free accesses have to be authorized by the Library Direction.

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Reference service

Reference service is available for faculty members, students, and staff. To use it, it is necessary to ask for an appointment to the main Library desk. If possible, the consultation will be provided immediately. Or you can book a consultation: write to

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Acquisition proposals

It is possible to propose the purchase of books and other material in the University's fields of study. Send an email to

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Borrowing rules

The loan period for Library users is 30 days, with a maximum of 10 books.
Freely admitted visitors can ask for a loan for 15 days, with a maximum of 5 books.
The following materials are to be used within the Library only:

  • Journals
  • Dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference works (bibliographies, catalogues, directories, etc.)
  • Microfiches
  • Software
  • Dissertations (photocopies are not allowed)
  • Books printed before 1950
  • Books placed on reserve

A copy of each textbook available in the library can be borrowed for 7 days. Each loan can be renewed for periods of 30 days, and a maximum of 2 times, if the book has not been booked by another user yet. It is possible to renew the loan online.

Online lending can be renewed.

Loans for textbooks and books that have been excluded from lending in the meantime are not renewable.

An overdue fine of 0.20 € will be applied for every day of delay (counted from the date and hour of the loan).
After the third call, the user will be no longer able to borrow any book.
Users who lose or damage books will be required to purchase them again or will be charged the cost of replacement materials.

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Interlibrary loans

The Library offers the ILL/DD service for the materials that can be found in other Libraries: this means that it is also possible to ask for photocopies of articles or to loan books that are not in the collection. A request for an inter-library loan should be made when you are sure that the item you need is not already available here.
Requests have to be done to the main library desk, following a specific procedure, and will be sent by fax or e-mail to the other libraries. Answers are usually received after two weeks. Every answer, positive or negative, is communicated by phone.
All the materials borrowed via Inter-Library Loan is for reference use in the Library only. Photocopies which are received are for retention by the reader.
The minimum cost of the service is 2,5 €.
The Library is also available for interlibrary loan and document delivery with other Italian and foreign University libraries. Requests have to be submitted via e-mail or fax. The service is not available for individuals. It is free and based on mutual relationships. The loan lasts for 30 days.

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Book reservations

If a book has already been borrowed, the user can reserve it using the online catalogue. With the reservation, the user has the priority on the loaned book when this one is returned. In any case, the Direction has the right to exclude the book from the loan and allow its consultation only. Course textbooks cannot be reserved.
Reservation service is only for faculty members, students (exchange students included), staff and full fee-paying visitors.
A user ID and a password will be required to use the service. ID is the card number.
Faculty members, staff, and external users have to use the password they have chosen at first use.
Students can use their own password for exam reservations.

  • Every user can reserve a maximum of 5 books.
  • For every book, only one reservation is allowed.

Reserved documents, once returned, are at the service of the user for 3 days; after that, the reservation will be over.
A message is sent by e-mail to the University e-mail address ( to communicate the return. Instructors and staff without any address are invited to request it to the “Ufficio Sistemi Informatici”, while students to the “Centro Risorse Informatiche”. Full fee – paying visitors have to communicate their personal email address to receive the authorization.

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Inside the Library there are some copy machines (0,05 € per copy).
The use of copy machines must respect copyright rules (no more than 15% of the document can be photocopied, ad excluded). This 15% limit can be exceeded with a user’s declaration that the work is “outside the publishing catalogues”. 

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Use of Personal Laptops

The Library provides access points to connect laptops to the Campus network and Internet.

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Use of Library PCs for students

In the Library there are 10 PCs with MS Office programs and Internet access, that can be used by students, instructors, and university staff.

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