Physical access to the Library
First floor is accessible via a ramp at the end of which there are sliding doors that facilitate access to the building.
Second floor is accessible by an internal lift or external lift depending on the wheelchair dimension.
Accessible toilets can be found on Level 0 and Level 1
Library Sevices
In the Library there are 2 reserved desks, one in the Databank office and the other one at the first floor.
Lending period of books can be longer if there is a certified disability requiring it (Ask to Library Director)
Library WebSite and LIUC e-Corsi Platform
Library pages are W3C-WCAG 2,2 compliant.
Alternative formats for digital materials are available (Sensus Access)
Library personnel can be contacted to convert books and materials in other formats acconding to the rules of the Italian laws.
Brickfield Accessibility Tools grant accessible didactical materials in LIUC e-Corsi