Autori: Zavattini, Giulio Cesare , Ballarotto, Giulia
Titolo: La dipendenza dai videogiochi e dalla pornografia online in adolescenza: un invito alla discussione
Periodico: Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo
Anno: 2023 - Volume: 81 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 417 - Pagina finale: 418

The use of video games and cyber-pornography by adolescents is growing strongly, and some studies have shown that an increasing number of adolescents may show a real addiction to these technologies use. This paper addresses this issue, starting from the most recent scientific literature, delving into the role they play in helping adolescents with their developmental tasks, but also the risks they may pose. In addition, possible diagnostic criteria and tools to be able to measure video games and online pornography addictions are investigated. Key questions are proposed in order to start a fruitful discussion among experts on the topic

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SICI: 1824-078X(2023)81:3<417:LDDVED>2.0.ZU;2-L
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