Autori: Cedrola, Elena , Bernardi, Alberta , Cantù, Chiara Luisa
Titolo: Fattori chiave di successo per l'innovazione sostenibile nel settore tessile e moda. Best practices di due luxury brand del Made in Italy
Periodico: L'industria
Anno: 2021 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 1349

Sustainable innovations – i.e., the introduction of new products, the development of new processes or new business models that bring economic, social and environmental benefits – are now playing a crucial role in the growth of the textile and fashion industry. One of the main challenges for companies in this sector is how to be innovative and sustainable at the same time – at an environmental, social, economic level. This study wants to identify some key success factors ( ksf ) that could allow companies in the textile and fashion industry to developsustainable innovation, taking into account, jointly, their social, environmental and economic impacts. The research is based on two case studies relating to emblematic luxury brands of Made in Italy: Gruppo Ermenegildo Zegna s.p.a. and Successori Reda s.p.a. Since their foundation back to the second half of the 1800s, both companies have differentiated themselves by being strongly focused on sustainability and innovation, promoting the development of the Biella district. The empirical evidence shows that companies in the textile and fashion industry may be able to achieve competitive results when sustainable innovation development is based on core corporate values, cultural heritage and strong relationships with the territory. In particular, these relationships are oriented towards an integrated supply chain and strengthening the relationship with the final consumer.

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SICI: 0019-7416(2021)2<1349:FCDSPL>2.0.ZU;2-I
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