Autore: Orsini, Francesco
Titolo: Tecnologie sostenibili per la coltivazione in vertical farms
Periodico: Equilibri
Anno: 2020 - Volume: 67 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 125 - Pagina finale: 132

The current agricultural and food systems are at risk due to growingurbanization, effects of climate change and reduction of resources. Recent technological innovations led the development and diffusion of the socalledVertical Farms, where agricultural production is obtained in absenceof solar radiation through the use of LED lighting, hydroponic cultivationsystems and control of climatic and environmental variables. This articleillustrates the main technological and sustainability components of thesenew production systems.

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SICI: 1594-7580(2020)67:1<125:TSPLCI>2.0.ZU;2-2
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