Autori: Bonfanti, Angelo , Centomo, Nicola , De Stefani, Elena
Titolo: Checkpoint Systems: prevenire i furti nei punti vendita
Periodico: Micro & macro marketing
Anno: 2013 - Volume: 66 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 549 - Pagina finale: 574

This paper presents the main security measures used by many internationalretailers to prevent thefts, and distinguishes the effects onretailer, manufacturing and customers. This qualitative research study isbased on direct experience of Checkpoint Systems, a global leader inshrinkage management and indirect testimony of additional businessexperiences. The solutions analyzed allow retailers to improve productdisplay and customer service and to optimize the internal efficiency ofthe stores by reducing costs and times, while producers improve visualbranding and efficiency. In addition, investments in technological developmentand source tagging give stores adequate security levels withoutinterfering with customer shopping experience.

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SICI: 1121-4228(2013)66:3<549:CSPIFN>2.0.ZU;2-
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Università degli studi [Pavia] : Biblioteca di Giurisprudenza Strada nuova, 65
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