Autore: Ferrari, Silvio
Titolo: Diritto, religione e spazio pubblico
Periodico: Rivista di filosofia del diritto
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: Speciale - Pagina iniziale: 35 - Pagina finale: 48

The article first describes the religious landscape of contemporaryEurope, characterized by an increasing diversity and visibility of religions in thepublic space. It presents the strategies adopted to manage these transformations and thetension between "rights of man" and "rights of God". In the last part, it attempts to reconfigurethe public space, as to reasonably accommodate both of them. The analysis is framedin legal and political terms, but it moves from a historical and sociological starting point: theChurch-State models based on strict separation between state and religion, and the modelcharacterized by the legal predominance of the majority religion(s) are outdated. The "inclusive"impartiality of public institutions is an attempt to deal with these historical and socialtransformations in an innovative way.

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SICI: 2280-482X(2013)SPECIALE<35:DRESP>2.0.ZU;2-W
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Biblioteca 'Ettore Borghi'. Istituto per la Storia della Resistenza e della Società contemporanea in provincia di Reggio Emilia (Istoreco)
Via Dante, 11
42121 - Reggio Emilia