Autore: Cavallone, Mauro
Titolo: Gestire la comunicazione di marketing nella società multiculturale: problemi aperti e implicazioni per il management
Periodico: Mercati e competitività
Anno: 2007 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 95 - Pagina finale: 117

Stewarding marketing communication in multicultural settings (by Mauro Cavallone) - ABSTRACT: In this article the necessary paths to an evolution of communication within marketing are discussed, as far as the social and cultural changes which have taken place inside individual countries/states, which lead marketing and international marketing to converge towards a new and challenging discipline: cross-cultural marketing. This article concentrates on the aspects relative to marketing communication which become so in culturally customized and/or cross-culturally customized ways. In particular, after having outlined the core traits of the current scenario in international marketing and having discussed the concepts of ‘culture’ and ‘cultural displays’, this current work will analyze their implications for marketing, calling for them to cross over from mono to cross-cultural. In the second part of the article attention is drawn to communication which arises from cross-cultural marketing and thus showing how we can deepen the distinction between culturally customized communication and cross-culturally customized communication. Keywords: culture, international marketing, crosscultural communication, customized communication, cultural adaptation.

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SICI: 1826-7386(2007)1<95:GLCDMN>2.0.ZU;2-F
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