Autore: Grimaldi, Gaetano
Titolo: Aspetti e problemi dell’implementazione: il caso della legge sulla difesa del suolo
Periodico: Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionale
Anno: 1991 - Volume: 24 - Fascicolo: 94 - Pagina iniziale: 47 - Pagina finale: 58

After 25 years of technical and political discussions, the Italian Parliament adopted in 1989 the first organic law on land and water conservation. During the legislative procedure important technical and political problems have been discussed but many of them were not defined. In this context the implementation period of the law is very interesting and it involves relationships between State and Regions but also between some State Ministries, mainly the Ministry of environment and the Ministry of works

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SICI: 0303-9714(1991)24:94<47:AEPDIC>2.0.ZU;2-3

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