Autore: Giupponi, Tommaso F.
Titolo: Immigrazione e diritti: le Regioni fra emergenza e sperimentazione
Periodico: Le regioni
Anno: 2019 - Fascicolo: 5/6 - Pagina iniziale: 1443 - Pagina finale: 1452

The article investigates the problems posed by the exercise of regional legislative competences with regard to immigration, focusing in particular on inclusion policies and on the implementation of social rights (education, employment, social security, healthcare, housing). Three main trends emerge from the analysis of the different regional practices: the tension between center and periphery (often in contradiction with the principle of loyal cooperation, lastly reinstated also with regard to migration by Article 118(3) of the Constitution); the divergence between regional legislation and practices (with an often «symbolic» deployment of regional legislation); the plurality of acts, procedures and actors involved in different regions (e.g. statutes, legislation, regional executive deliberations).

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SICI: 0391-7576(2019)5/6<1443:IEDLRF>2.0.ZU;2-R
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Università degli studi [L'Aquila] : Polo Centro - Biblioteca dell'Area di Economia
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