Autori: Smaniotto, Roberta , Capitanucci, Daniela
Titolo: I danni collaterali del gioco d'azzardo. Riflessioni per l'agenda di ricerca
Periodico: Prisma
Anno: 2016 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 100 - Pagina finale: 116

So far, the study of the costs arising from the recent spread of massive industrial gambling in Italy has been neglected: this article explains the reasons why it is time to focus on this area of study. Some areas heavily impacted by gambling disorder are highlighted. They concern both gamblers and people close to them (particularly their family members), who are affected in multiple areas of their quality of life. Particular attention will be given to describe the damage suffered by minors under different conditions: some examples are minors who gamble, those who live in families where there is a problem of gambling addiction and - last but not least - children of gambling operators. Finally, the results of some research carried out abroad that have estimated such negative externalities are presented, together with their implications for Italy.

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SICI: 0393-9049(2016)3<100:IDCDGD>2.0.ZU;2-V
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