Autore: Luzzati, Claudio
Titolo: Esistono valori universali?
Periodico: Ragion pratica
Anno: 2013 - Volume: 40 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 161 - Pagina finale: 174

The problem this paper is trying to deal with is the following: whether it is possible, or simply philosophically advisable, to go on speaking about «universal values», as nearly everybody does. Actually, it would be better if we gave up using such a dubious expression, since values are goals or ends, and every goal is somebody's goal, relating to some person or another in a particularistic way. The author of this paper finds it disturbing and grammatically improper to think that there are, or that should be, aims or ideal rules addressed to all men in general. On the other hand, the question whether moral rules should be «universalizable» is not discussed here.

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SICI: 1720-2396(2013)40:1<161:EVU>2.0.ZU;2-Z
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