Arisi, Marta Titolo:
Riproduzioni di opere d'arte visive in pubblico dominio: l'articolo 14 della Direttiva (EU) 2019/790 e la trasposizione in ItaliaPeriodico:
Aedon (Online)Anno:
2021 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
0Art. 14 of the Digital Single Market Copyright Directive shall be welcomed as a needed, if not definitive, passage towards further legal certainty and wider access to cultural contents in the digital and cross-border dimension. However, the realization of its ambitious objective might prove difficult due to some ambiguities, and primarily the absence of a definition of works of visual art, but especially for the complex juridical scenario evoked, at the interplay of the Copyright law and, possibly, norms belonging to different domains. This seems particularly true in the Italian context and this contribution tries to give account of the challenges in the ongoing transposition efforts, with special focus on related rights in photographs and on the laws on cultural heritage and landscape, while offering a few comparative insights.
SICI: 1127-1345(2021)1<0:RDODVI>2.0.ZU;2-C
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