Brugnoli, Andrea,
Zappavigna, PaoloTitolo:
Dinamiche strutturali e fattori di permanenza delle aziende agricole in aree a forte tensione insediativa: uno studio sull'area periurbana parmense = Structural dynamics and survival factors of farms in areas of high settlement pressure: a study on Parma (Italy) peri-urban areaPeriodico:
Economia & diritto agroalimentareAnno:
2014 - Volume:
19 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
63 - Pagina finale:
95The results of a research carried out on a sample of farms located in peri-urban areas of the province of Parma (Italy) are presented. The survey was carried out in two subsequent periods: firstly on 1986 by means of interviews with the farm managers of 208 farms; then in 2011 in a practically identical way, on the same sample. In the today survey only 28% of the original units were still in existence; one third have disappeared; 30% were absorbed by other farms; 8% were abandoned. The analysis of socio-demographic and structural characteristics of the productive units, carried out on sub-samples corresponding to different outcomes, has allowed to shed light on the factors that facilitated the deterioration of the productive structure and those who instead allowed the survival. These cognitive elements allow to better highlight possible actions of land government for the protection of the productive primary sector and its territorial context. Assuming, as a point of reference, not just the individual farms, but the system farms-territory which is, especially in these areas, a strongly integrated reality.
SICI: 1970-9498(2014)19:1<63:DSEFDP>2.0.ZU;2-
Testo completo: dati in Refworks (solo per utenti abilitati)
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