Brugnoli, Andrea,
De Gaetano, LoredanaTitolo:
Aziende con allevamenti e imprese zootecniche nell'agricoltura italianaPeriodico:
Economia & diritto agroalimentareAnno:
2009 - Volume:
14 - Fascicolo:
2 - Pagina iniziale:
171 - Pagina finale:
197This paper concerns the statistical presentation of the main structural and economic characteristics of the classical livestock enterprises. As regards, a logical process has been followed starting from an analysis of UE and national framework regarding the total of the livestock holdings from the results of the farm structure surveys 2003 and 2005 carried out in compliance with UE legislation. Then the statistical analysis has been extended to a simulation of three hypotesis of livestock enterprises based on a set of phisical thresholds in terms of number of heads for some main livestock of national interesting. The adoption of phisical thresholds in agriculture is a simple criterion and actually stated by EU legislation for individualizing and defining the small and large agricultural holdings in the observation’s EU field and also for the building and updating of the national Farm Register. Moreover in this paper a dynamics of the number of the above livestock enterprises in the 2003- 2005 period has been done.
SICI: 1970-9498(2009)14:2<171:ACAEIZ>2.0.ZU;2-F
Testo completo: dati in Refworks (solo per utenti abilitati)
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