Pagliantini, Stefano Titolo:
Una nullità virtuale di protezione? A proposito degli artt. 28 e 34 del c.d. "Cresci Italia"Periodico:
Osservatorio del diritto civile e commercialeAnno:
2012 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
73 - Pagina finale:
94In l. 27/2012 under article 34 set the voidness of automobile or marine insurance's contractif the insurance broker, before the signature, does not inform the client about tariffs (opremiums) and other conditions offered by at least three different insurance companies. Theessay, soon after reissuing the distinction between validity rules and behaviour rules, remarksthe necessary conditions and prerequisites to outline, in an analogical way, a virtual voidnessin order to protect in case of infringement of an informative duty. This kind of voidness isnot contemplated in item 124, paragraph 1, TUB, but a voidness specifically expected by thelaw can be found in item 28 of l. n. 27/2012 which concerns the duty for banks to put forwardto clients at least two quotations of two different insurance companies, if they subdue thegranting of a real estate mortgage's or of a consumer credit to the life insurance's stipulation.
SICI: 2281-2628(2012)1<73:UNVDPA>2.0.ZU;2-E
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