Dell'Anno, Roberto,
Longo, FrancescoTitolo:
Un'analisi dell'efficienza di scala e di costo del sistema sanitario pugliesePeriodico:
Economia pubblicaAnno:
2009 - Volume:
39 - Fascicolo:
5/6 - Pagina iniziale:
99 - Pagina finale:
131This paper deals with the empirical research of cost efficiency and technological characteristics of the Health Service in Puglia over the period from 2004 to 2007. A review on the stochastic frontier model and the most recent analyses of the efficiency in the Italian regional health services is provided. We propose an empirical analysis base on a Translog stochastic cost frontier by the Battese and Coelli (1992) approach. According to the empirical results, the efficiency of Health service in Puglia has reduced during the period from 2004 to 2007. We also find evidence of relevant scale economies not exploited by producers, which decrease with the number of DRG points.
SICI: 0390-6140(2009)39:5/6<99:UDDSED>2.0.ZU;2-L
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