Nogler, Luca Titolo:
Giuseppe Messina (1877-1946)Periodico:
Lavoro e dirittoAnno:
2013 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
107 - Pagina finale:
120The essay covers the life, work and legal thinking of one of the mostbrilliant Italian civil lawyers of the early 20th century. Messina was oneof the first Italian jurists to abandon exegesist methodology. He encounteredthe German Pandectist school of thought; however, he differedfrom these scholars in that he adopted a wholly State-centred concept oflaw. B esides being a distinguished civil lawyer, Messina also consideredItalian trade union law. In particular he produced a range of studies oncollective contracts, which put him in the first rank of European labourlawyers. Finally, Messina collaborated in the creation of the first administrativebody, which gave rise to the Ministry of Labour (Consiglio superioredel lavoro), the development of the Charter of Labour and was anMP from 1929 until January 1934.
SICI: 1120-947X(2013)1<107:GM(>2.0.ZU;2-9
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