Ferrara, Leonardo,
Di San Luca, Guido ClementeTitolo:
L'ordinamento sportivo: meno e più della libertà privataPeriodico:
Diritto pubblicoAnno:
2007 - Volume:
13 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
1 - Pagina finale:
32In more recent years, sports regulations have become a habitual subject of legal studies, particularly as concerns the relations of the same with the State legal system. Without a doubt, this is due to the well-known events that have been in the news, not always for honourable reasons. However, there is also a reason of a theoretical nature that ought to justify interest in the theme, which lies in the general value of questions involving the system of sports regulations. The thread running through this reflection lies in the attempt to illustrate how the singularities or anomalies attributed to the system of sports regulations are not so at all, inasmuch as in part they can be traced back to principles and in part instead are to be directly judged as conflicting with rules found in the Constitution or EU standards. Here attention is focused on the very notion of sports regulations and whether the same system is configured in terms of public or private law.
SICI: 1721-8985(2007)13:1<1:LSMEPD>2.0.ZU;2-8
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