Di Cesare, Rosella Titolo:
Nuove tendenze nella formazione dei gruppi parlamentariPeriodico:
Quaderni costituzionaliAnno:
2007 - Volume:
27 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
79 - Pagina finale:
92Eight years ago a reform to the electoral system moved Italy towards a bipolar political system and during the 15th legislature the rules concerning the constitution of parliamentary groups and their relationship with political parties were the object of debate. Although no amendments have actually been made to parliamentary standing orders with regard to the constitution of parliamentary groups, they have been slowly updated so as to take into account a political system now characterised by party coalitions. In fact, numer- ous parliamentary groups represent more than one political party, but none the whole coalition. This has had important consequences on parliamentary proceedings and as a result many scholars continue to study the dynamics of the majority-opposition relationship and to question the effectiveness of the standing orders.
SICI: 0392-6664(2007)27:1<79:NTNFDG>2.0.ZU;2-E
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