Del Punta, Riccardo Titolo:
Responsabilità sociale dell'impresa e diritto del lavoro.Periodico:
Lavoro e dirittoAnno:
2006 - Volume:
20 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
41 - Pagina finale:
63The author aims at focusing on the main interrelationships between Csr and traditional labour law issues. After examining Csr genesis, read as one of the systemic expressions of the current stage of capitalism, the author continues exploring possible profiles of account of Csr, in order to picture it in the light of a wide concept of "regulation" of the mature economic systems. The essay concludes, reflecting upon Csr theoretical statute, in connection with some trends of the economic doctrine (neoinstitutionalism) and, more generally, with the current cultural diffusion of a sort of cooperation paradigm. The conclusion is that Csr, despite its ambiguity and risks, nevertheless represents a positive challenge, which cannot be disregarded by labour law culture.
SICI: 1120-947X(2006)20:1<41:RSDEDD>2.0.ZU;2-B
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