Nogler, Luca Titolo:
Individui, istituzioni e scelte pubbliche nel diritto del lavoro della seconda RepubblicaPeriodico:
Lavoro e dirittoAnno:
1998 - Volume:
12 - Fascicolo:
2 - Pagina iniziale:
271 - Pagina finale:
298The paper discusses the relationship between the regulative "crisis" of the labour law and the institutional question. This interdependence is analysed through a methodological approach focusing on "individuals", "institutions" and public choices. The author points out three conclusions: a) first of all, it is impossible to show (as, instead, the historicist approach pretends to do) the necessary course of the future events, because only a formulation of hypothesis - which must be verified - can be proposed; b) secondly, these hypothesis can't be advanced on the base of the dogmatic hypostatization of an individual mechanicistic rationality (as instead the neoclassical approach-characteristic of the free traders-to the labour market asserts); c) whenever these assumptions involve choices of economical policy the analyse has to take into consideration the institutional contest of those choices.
SICI: 1120-947X(1998)12:2<271:IIESPN>2.0.ZU;2-P
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