
Castellini, Monia
Marzano, Marianna

Cultural heritage and sustainability: What is the state of the art? A systematic literature review
Anno: 2024 - Volume: 42 - Fascicolo: 124 - Pagina iniziale: 61 - Pagina finale: 89

Frame of the research: This paper provides a systematic literature review of sustainability in the cultural heritage sector. The purpose is to understand where studies and research stand in analysing the sustainability factors of a specific enhancement project involving cultural heritage or cultural heritage management. Methodology: A systematic literature review was conducted according to the PRISMA methodology. The current knowledge of the academic debate on the topic was mapped, providing a holistic and interdisciplinary perspective. Findings: The literature review highlights the temporal evolution of studies on this topic and analyses the main focuses. This approach allows us to highlight how sustainability factors (economic, social and environmental) are addressed and interpreted in terms of cultural heritage. The results reveal multiple aspects, for example, the increase in studies under the impetus of Agenda 2030, the importance of interdisciplinary methods to understanding how to implement and subsequently measure sustainability, knowing what tools and indicators to refer to, and finally, trying to increase collaboration between theoretical and applied research from nonacademic research centres.Research limits: This study is a snapshot in time, and future developments should be considered. In addition, comprehensive consideration of cultural heritage from other research perspectives can be difficult. Practical implications: This study reveals gaps that should be filled for more effective sustainable management of cultural heritage, such as improving research methodology, promoting interdisciplinary research, actively involving local communities, and improving data collection and accessibility. Originality of the paper: The paper shows a continuing lack of studies on this topic owing to the complexity of collecting sustainability information and the subject matter.

SICI: 0393-5108(2024)42:124<61:C H A >2.0.ZU;2-H
Testo completo: https://ojs.sijm.it/index.php/sinergie/article/view/1696/974

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