
Vernuccio, Maria
Boccalini, Sara
Patrizi, Michela

User engagement with the VR-based metaverse in the brand experience: a consumer perspective
Anno: 2024 - Volume: 42 - Fascicolo: 124 - Pagina iniziale: 37 - Pagina finale: 60

Frame of the research: The Virtual Reality (VR)-based metaverse may play a role in the technology-mediated user experience, as VR can create immersive virtual environments suitable for impactful marketing activities. Thus, this new experiential context offers novel opportunities for user engagement, branding and consumer responses.Purpose of the paper: Our study explores the perceptual factors influencing multidimensional VR engagement, i.e., the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions, and the related branding outcomes in a VR metaverse brand experience. Methodology: Given the complex and contemporary nature of the focal phenomenon, we adopt an abductive qualitative methodology and conduct in-depth interviews with Generation Z users with experience in immersive VR technologies.Findings: Brand attitude ex ante and perceived immersion shape multidimensional VR engagement and branding outcomes in VR-based metaverse brand experiences. A positive brand attitude with high immersion is related to full VR engagement, generating evaluative and relational branding outcomes. Conversely, a positive brand attitude with weak immersion is associated with partial VR engagement, driving cognitive and evaluative branding outcomes.Research limits: This study is limited to the Nike Jordan “Jumpman Zone” experience in Fortnite’s VR metaverse, emphasizing the need to extend analysis to other platforms and brands. Future research should extend our exclusive focus on Generation Z individuals with experience with immersive VR reality technologies by analyzing different samples with quantitative methodologies.Practical implications: Our findings provide insights for management into the factors that influence user engagement in VR metaverse environments and into the branding strategies that enhance multidimensional engagement to achieve different branding outcomes. Originality of the paper: We advance both the literature on user engagement and the nascent research on branding in the VR-based metaverse by exploring VR engagement and branding opportunities, specifically, within the Fortnite metaverse, and gaining insights from the Generation Z perspective.

SICI: 0393-5108(2024)42:124<37:UEWTVM>2.0.ZU;2-L
Testo completo: https://ojs.sijm.it/index.php/sinergie/article/view/1692/973

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