
Caroppo, Elisabetta

The International Institute of the Middle Classes
History of economic thought and policy
Anno: 2024 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 29 - Pagina finale: 51

In the context of the recent debate on the role played by economists, international organisations, and epistemic communities in the development of new theoretical models and international economic policies, this paper aims to explore the contribution made by the International Institute of the Middle Classes. Such an organisation identified economic policy and analysis as the key to dealing with the social conflict that arose in Europe in the 1800s and 1900s. In addition to confirming the importance played by cooperation in the building of a new European order that could prevent social conflict, the exchange of ideas that occurred during the Congresses held by the Institute in different European cities in the early 1900s brought attention to the issue of social policies aimed at the middle classes. This would become crucial in the logic underlying the Italian welfare state, with the Bismarckian model providing the perfect liberal solution.

SICI: 2240-9971(2024)1<29:TIIOTM>2.0.ZU;2-L
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