
Ballerini, Veronica

Capture-recapture models for official statistics in presence of out-of-scope units: an overview
Annali del Dipartimento di metodi e modelli per l'economia, il territorio e la finanza
Anno: 2020 - Volume: 21 - Pagina iniziale: 15 - Pagina finale: 32

During the last years, National Statistics Institutes have been exploring the possibility to produce statistics based onadministrative data only. In particular, the interest in populations’ size estimation is increasing. However, some issues naturallyemerge since the aims of those who collect data and those who use them differ. On the one hand, it is very likely to have out-of-scope units in the datasets. On the other hand, some units that belong to the target population are not observed. In practice, thisis the case of incomplete contingency tables that include some overcounts. The aim of this paper is to review the main and mostrecent literature dealing with the population size estimation problem, with an insight on the overcoverage issue

SICI: 2385-0825(2020)21<15:CMFOSI>2.0.ZU;2-7
Testo completo: https://web.uniroma1.it/memotef/sites/default/files/Annali-2020_15-32_BalleriniV.pdf

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