Textual quotations must be written between inverted commas, using the Harvard System, meaning the author-date system as follows:

“In the liberal period, from 1861 to 1913, the progress was rapid and sizeable, and Italy almost caught up with France” (Brandolini, Vecchi 2013, p. 237).

Do not use inverted commas between other inverted commas; if present, replace them with ‘:

“Siamo quindi lontani dalla ‘panacea’, dal bilancio di competenze ‘buono per tutti gli usi’, dal ricorso indiscriminato di formule ‘alla moda’, dalla corsa frenetica al consumo sempre più ‘a ciclo corto’ di formule e parole-chiave sempre nuove” (Ruffini, Sarchielli 2001, p. 14).

To rephrase or summarize an author’s ideas, use the Harvard System, meaning the author-date system as follows:

Con il boom economico degli anni Sessanta, i partiti politici si trovarono di fronte ad una situazione nuova, per cui era necessario integrare la propria proposta politica con l’affermarsi della società dei consumi. La diffidenza da parte del mondo politico verso il diffondersi del consumismo si può riscontrare tra l’altro nella scelta di adottare un atteggiamento di tipo pedagogico, piuttosto che a favore di una politica a tutela del consumatore (Cavazza 2013, p. 32).

The bibliography must be unified: you must list all the sources in alphabetical order, whether they are printed (books, chapters…) or digital (web pages…). It must be titled as “Bibliografia” in case of dissertations written in Italian or “References” in case of dissertations written in English.

For the final bibliography, use the Harvard System, meaning the author-date system as follows:

Caporale Tony (1998), The impact of monetary regime changes: some exchange rate evidence. In: Journal of economic behavior & organization, vol. 35, n. 1, p. 85-94.

Taha Hamdy A. (2011), Operations research: an introduction, 9th ed. Boston, Pearson.

Do not write just entire website URL in the bibliography, but also author, title and the URL of the pages that you really have referred to:




LIUC Università Cattaneo. Biblioteca Mario Rostoni (2013), Giuseppe Luraghi: l'uomo della grande Alfa Romeo, , (consultato il 18/11/2021).

The bibliography of the dissertation must contain just rephrased or quoted documents.

Bibliographic references in the dissertation must be written in the final bibliography as well.

Documents*, fully or partially written in the dissertation, must be added as attachments after the bibliography, titled as “Allegati” or “Annex”.

*Documents such as: laws, verdicts, reports, balance sheets, official documents, business documents…