Toffoletto, Alberto,
Guizzi, GiuseppeTitolo:
Il diritto dell'impresa nell'emergenza: da eccezione a regola?Periodico:
Osservatorio del diritto civile e commercialeAnno:
2022 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
3 - Pagina finale:
42The essay examines, with reference to the discipline of the firm, whether and to what extent rules born in times of emergency can express principles that go beyond the contingencies that occasioned them to become rules of general application. The essay develops the theme through the analysis of some illustrative case concerning, in particular, the right of withdrawal in corporations, the equity protection measures, and the provisions on state aid and public intervention – and concludes by noting a trend in the Italian legal system that is being expressed in the sense of a stabilization of rules born to safeguard the economic structure of the country in a context of crisis that has presented such characteristics as to make it unique in the history of capitalism. A stabilization that is being expressed above all in the sense of favoring, thanks also to the instrument of public aid, a stabilization of the ownership structures of companies by de facto deactivating the selective mechanism of the market
SICI: 2281-2628(2022)1<3:IDDNDE>2.0.ZU;2-W
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