Costabile, Michele,
Passarelli, MariacarmelaTitolo:
Un approccio manageriale al trasferimento tecnologico: un'analisi di benchmarking sui TTO universitari europeiPeriodico:
Economia e politica industrialeAnno:
2014 - Volume:
41 - Fascicolo:
4 - Pagina iniziale:
265 - Pagina finale:
298Starting from a literature analysis on the main drivers for technology transfer performance, this paper provides a multiple case analysis on technology transfer offices (TTOs) in European universities, by developing a benchmarking analysis of some successful experiences. The paper proposes a managerial approach for technology transfer offices by analyzing the main variables that have an impact on their performance. The results offer highlights on the business models of technology transfer offices, on their organizational model, on their bundle of competences and on their activities. The suggestion for policy makers and practitioners is to overcome the technology push approach and go ahead, by adopting a real technology - marketing perspective.
SICI: 0391-2078(2014)41:4<265:UAMATT>2.0.ZU;2-K
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