Autore: D'Adda, Alessandro
Titolo: Le sanzioni amministrative irrogate all'intermediario finanziario: disciplina della solidarietà e del regresso
Periodico: Osservatorio del diritto civile e commerciale
Anno: 2012 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 95 - Pagina finale: 112

This work inquires the importance of the special system concerning obligation «in solido» to pay administrative sanctions, as scheduled in TUF and TUB rules. These latter disciplinesschedule, indeed, that the bank, or the financial brokerage company, which is obliged «insolido» to carry out the sanction imposed to the author of the illicit, has the duty - that means,not only the possibility - to claim back for it from the author of the illicit in lieu of whom thesanction has been paid. In particular, the main question inquired in this work is about the recentorientation of the Joint Chambers (Corte di Cassazione), which from this rule draw inferencesconcerning the impossibility for the person identified as the author of the illicit to contest,to the agency which paid, to have received - and consequently paid - an unlawful sanction;furthermore, the Supreme Court drawed the conclusion that the presumed author of the illicitcould object to the administrative sanction although the payment injunction was addressedonly to the «in solido obliged» agency. In this work we disagree on the Supreme Court reasoning(but not on the final conclusion); we think, indeed, that the duty to claim back the sum thathas been carried out from the agency doesn't affect these issues. Nevertheless, according to thegeneral principles of the obligation «in solido», the author of the illicit cannot object that his/her «solvens-agency» have paid an unlawful sanction but he/she can object directly to the sanctionwhich assessed his/her liability, although the payment injunction was addressed only to the«in solido obliged» agency. Finally, is to be supposed that the law rule concerning the duty toclaim back the sum paid suggests the unavailability - on deterrence's purposes - of the right toclaim back, making it not susceptible to demission on the basis of a settlement (or transaction).

SICI: 2281-2628(2012)1<95:LSAIAF>2.0.ZU;2-6
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