Barbaranelli, Claudio,
Caprara, Gian Vittorio,
Conrado, Maria Rita,
Kuhl, JuliusTitolo:
Orientamento all'azione e personalitàPeriodico:
Giornale italiano di psicologiaAnno:
1997 - Fascicolo:
2 - Pagina iniziale:
309 - Pagina finale:
334The present contribution examines the validation in the Italian context of the Action Control Scale (ACS) developed by Kuhl (1991) in the German context. The scale measures three constructs (preoccupation, esitation, volatility) that can influence the fulfillment of own's intentions. The validity of the scale has been examined by means of principal components analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Both analyses supported a three factor solution, confirming the results of the German original sample. However, the reliability of the three scales was not totally satisfactory. Furthermore analysis the relation between the ACS and the Big Five was investigated. Three multiple regression analyses identified Emotional Stability and Energy as the main personality correlates of the action control.
SICI: 0390-5349(1997)2<309:OAEP>2.0.ZU;2-8
Testo completo: completo alternativo: dati in Refworks (solo per utenti abilitati)
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